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How to work on an etched brass flag

Etched brass flags are a very useful item because they allow model-makers to sketch a perfect and symmetrical drawing.In addiction, they relief of the flag simulates correctly the embroidery of real flags. A print flag is a very recent method and nowadays many flags are still embroidered.

The etched brass for flags are ductile and fine. They will allow us to fold the flags, to wave them in order to simulate the effect of the wind or even to tear them in order to imitate the erosion of the flags during a battle.

NIMIX´s flags are presented in a long strip including both sides of one particular flag. So you will be able to make one or two flags, depending of the sides of the flag that will be visible.

Making a two-sided flag

Firstly you will fold the flag in two, joining both extremes of it.

Then, introduce the flagpole in its place and fix it. If the flagpole has a pike or other separate element at its end just leave the space on the top to introduce it after fixing the flag, they will match perfectly.The etched brass flag includes a design in the center to encircle the flagpole. However you can eliminate it if you want to make it different, with ribbons, for instance.

Fix both sides of the flag with cianocrylate making sure that it will remain centred

If you want to wave the flag, you can use cylindrical instruments of several diameters. You will obtain a flag with realistic and spectacular creases.
There is the possiblitity that the glue may five. In that case, just add more glue and fix it.

If you want to make the etched brass ductile, just use a flame and help yourself with tweezers. Once metal will be hot, mold it carefully.

After all this process, you can start painting the flag. It is advisable to give a wipe over it with alcohol to clean it perfectly.
A good idea is also to use liquid putty to block the edges of both sides will and to smoothe down the relieves (specially if you have added other elements, such as letters, numbers, heraldic symbols… which are included in some flags).
How you proceed to paint the flag, embossing lights and shadows and all those effects you may want to add.

Making a one single face flag


In many cases you will find that it is only necessary to use just one of the two sides of the flag because the other one is not needed.

You will just need to cut the flag in two observing the area needed to fix it to the flagpole.
Then, carry on as it has been said above.

The remaining side can always be used in future workings.



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